
 ( Click for details )


FEBRUARY 8th,   Saturday.   10:00 to 6:00

TAICHI TECH DAY!  Featuring our favorite brand, RS Taichi.


Moto San, the International Sales Rep from Japan will be on hand all day to answer all questions about Taichi gear – Street or track.  Come in your Taichi gear and you’ll get an extra bonus gift. 

If  you are interested in full custom suit measurements, please call Audrey to set an appointment.   But, for the most part, we’re hoping for a good party and show him how much DFW motorcycle riders love their Taichi gear!     

FOOD and beverages served at noon and again at 4:00 P.M.  

 (Menu yet to be decided.)

Please share this with your riding buddies, especially those who are already Taichi fans, and we know there’s a lot of you out there!

EZ to share on Facebook at: 


Special Thank You to our newest neighbor and friends:

Moto Liberty welcomes the Haas Moto Museum to our neighborhood!  Now just blocks away, on the other side of Beltline.

4301 N. Beltwood Parkway.

Museum normal hours are:

Thursday – Sunday  10:00 to 5:00















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